. . .TO LEASE WITH SPORTS LEASING 1. Our specialty is the sports industry. All aspects of the cash flow, dedication, financing, and goals. We look at the people and management behind the team. Our goal is repeat business, making all parties happy in the lease transaction. 2. Our hours are longer than any other equipment leasing company, including being open most Saturday and Sundays, and weekdays from 7am to 7pm with 24 hour fax, e-mail, voice mail. We are also reachable by e-mail in the evening. 3. You are dealing with decision makers. We make up our own mind. And we have an experienced, dedicated staff who wants to see you make money. If you dont make money, then we dont. We want you to succeed. This is our attitude. 4. After running quick credit, we can tell you in five minutes on a scale of 1 to 10, what will be necessary to get an approval, what the chances of approval, and as important, what options your customer has to pay you. We will help you and your company not lose a sale. 5. We have been in business for 27 years in Silicon Valley, California. We have spent this time learning to do it right. We do all credit and obtain all information "in house," including financial information analysis. 6. We have several lines of credit and access to many sources. We satisfy a spectrum of credit. Similar to insurance, some applicants are entitled to the best rates and terms available. Some have had some problems; a loss last year, a divorce, a partner left...we understand. 7. We will pay you fast. Not only do we either hand deliver/#checks but all checks are sent either Federal Express or UPS Next Day. In addition, we wont let you get hung up waiting for a minor piece of equipment to work or get fixed. If two vendors are involved, or more, we will see that you are paid, even if the other vendors have not fulfilled delivery. We have a "down payment" plan, "master lease" with scheduled payments, and an "add on" plan requiring only one piece of paper to add on to an existing lease. 8. We will help your salesman close a sale we will explain all programs and alternatives because. We prefer the salesman sell the equipment. We will do all the work or let the salesperson do all the work. Whatever works best for you. It is our experience that we can best sell the leasing and the equipment. 9. We will reinforce your sale. Often the applicant asks us about our experience with the equipment. They know we will be collecting payments for thirty-six to sixty months. They know you are not giving us a commission to make a sale. This gives us the opportunity to talk up your company, your equipment, tell them our experience, and why we like to lease-finance your equipment. 10. We operate using several equipment leasing software systems on an Eleven station avante guarde Windows 95 32bit NT and Novell network with Pentium 450mhz computers within a network , 128mb ram, 17" and 21" monitors, with two network fax program and each station able to fax from the computer. We are on a 1.5mbps internet connection. Many also have stand alone fax machines, scanners, and their own laser printer, in addition to network printers. Our size and computer system helps keep our overhead low and prices competitive. We are located in a convenient area, the triangle hub between the three major freeways in the area, plus San Jose International Airport., with easy parking and easy to find address. We welcome visitors to see our office and smell the 100+ roses we have growing here. |
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